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Subcontractor Statement and Rationale

Wiltshire College and University Centre subcontracts training for young people and adults in accordance with our published ‘Subcontracting Policy’ with an aim to enhance the quality of our student offer and optimise the impact and effectiveness of training delivery to the end user.

The College enters into subcontracting arrangements for one or more of the following reasons:

  • To fully meet the skills needs of employers and individuals within Wiltshire and surrounding areas
  • To provide immediate provision whilst growing internal direct capacity
  • To provide niche delivery where the cost of developing direct delivery would be inappropriate
  • To fill gaps in niche or expert provision and provide better access to training facilities
  • To provide access to, or engagement with, a new range of customers and employer bases, related to specific identified needs.
  • To support another provider to develop capacity/quality, where the College feels it is appropriate
  • To support employers with a wide geographic requirement

The College provides the following services when entering into and managing subcontracts:

  • Full due diligence on the subcontractor (including financial checks)
  • Support to write, implement and embed appropriate policies
  • Observations of teaching, learning and assessment
  • Quality assurance audit including review of quality systems, IQA, course content, staff CPD, gateway preparation, self-assessment and quality improvement planning
  • Progress monitoring visits including tracking systems, e-portfolio and advice and guidance on performance improvement
  • Partnership days to share best practice across the supply chain and disseminate external updates including Ofsted and safeguarding
  • Funding management and reporting
  • Funding compliance support including audit, advisory service and issuing of evidence collection paperwork processes

The College will individually assess each subcontractor and their provision prior to any and each agreement with that subcontractor and an open rationale will be used to determine the level of management fee retained by the College. The benchmark management fee of 20% is calculated as a representative cost to the College in effectively identifying, selecting and managing sub-contracted provision. This figure includes provision of the services listed above as necessary for the College to discharge its obligations as a lead provider. Where a subcontractor requires additional support, shared services (e.g. exam arrangements) or co-delivery then charges to cover additional costs may be added to the base 20% and will be detailed accordingly.

Subcontracting agreements
  • Aspire Sporting Academy Limited
  • Learning Curve Group Limited
  • The College's Partnership Limited
  • The Royal Artillery Centre for Personal Development
  • Whitehead Ross Education & Consulting Limited
  • Zuzu Training Limited
  • Strive Training (London) Limited

Contracts and Tendering

The contracts and procurement team are responsible for ensuring that the procurement strategy is achieved and all College procurement is conducted in an open, fair and transparent manner. The team are also responsible for ensuring that all procedures and processes adhere to the relevant legal requirements and internal financial regulations in accordance with the Procurement Policy.

The College has an obligation to ensure value for money from suppliers. The decision to award contracts will be based upon the most economically advantageous tender which will take into account a number of factors including price, quality, sustainability and running costs to establish the full life-cycle costs.

The importance of all factors will vary depending on the purchase and all Tenderers will be advised what criteria will be used when selecting a supplier. All contractors working with Wiltshire College will be required to comply with Wiltshire College’s Conditions of Contract.

How we advertise Wiltshire College Contract Opportunities

The College’s open tendering opportunities are advertised and conducted using the College’s In-tend electronic tendering system. This includes EU and Non-EU tenders. You may also find any opportunities on Governments Contracts Finder

To access please click on the link below and follow the instructions on the In-tend website. You will need to register before you can view tender opportunities and express interest in them. Please note only tenders issued will be available to view.

Further Competitions using a Consortium framework agreement are normally conducted via In-tend however only suppliers on the framework agreement will be able to view documents and participate.

You can register and view tenders:

Contacting the Contracts and Procurement Team

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the procurement team, please contact or call 01225 756340.

Contractor Health and Safety

It is a requirement of the College that all Contractors familiarise themselves with the following policies.

  • Health & Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Equality & Diversity

Subcontracting Policy

Our subcontracting policy can be downloaded here.

SFA Funding Paid and Retained

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