Thank you for your application for halls and your deposit of £250.
Please read and complete all forms attached and return by separate scanned documents (we need them as separate documents and not in one file as documents will be sent to different departments for processing) to for the attention of the Accommodation Manager, by the end of June.
Please ensure you read all information and forms before you sign them.
Please make a note of your start and leaving dates for Accommodation. For insurance purposes, we cannot accept you into halls until all forms are completed and returned.
We look forward to receiving the completed forms.
Form 1 - Conditional Offer Letter and Application Guidance
Form 2 - Student Application Checklist
Form 3 - Guarantors Certificate Lackham
Form 4 - Lackham Offer Letter
Form 5 - Start / Finish Date Accommodation
Form 6 - Fire Safety
Form 7 - New Starters License to Occupy or Returners Continuance of License to Occupy
Form 8 - Security Front and Back Gate
Form 9 - Standing Order Form 2021/22