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Lackham Lambing Weekends 2024

16 March 2024
10:00 - 16:00
17 March 2024
10:00 - 16:00
23 March 2024
10:00 - 16:00
24 March 2024
10:00 - 16:00

Purchase tickets here

Our lambing weekends are back this spring!

Enjoy a family fun day out at Lackham farm. See lambs being born, take a tractor trailer ride and much more.

Our annu­al Lamb­ing Week­ends draw thou­sands of vis­i­tors to Lack­ham Farm, near Lacock, for a day of fam­i­ly fun.

You’ll see our ewes with their new­born lambs in our brand new lamb­ing shed — and you may even see one being born.

You can also:

• Take trac­tor-trail­er rides

• Watch the Dairy Herd being milked – all the milk goes to a well-known choco­late brand

• Vis­it the robot­ic dairy farm

• Watch Birds of Prey displays

• See some of our small animals

• Enjoy a vari­ety of food and bev­er­age stalls

• Shop at the mini farm­ers’ market

• Enjoy a range of children’s activities

Tick­ets must be pur­chased through Eventbrite here.

Pre book­ing is essen­tial – there are no tick­ets to be pur­chased at the gate.

Tick­ets are priced at £13.50 for adults (over 16), £9 for chil­dren (3 and over), or £40 for a car (max­i­mum num­ber of peo­ple will be the num­ber legal­ly allowed to trav­el in that car). Chil­dren aged 2 and under can enter for free.

We may be able to release more tick­ets clos­er to the event, but we can­not guar­an­tee this as it depends on the weath­er fore­cast. We there­fore rec­om­mend book­ing your tick­ets as soon as you can.

If you do miss out on the first set of tick­ets, keep an eye on our social media accounts, where we will announce any addi­tion­al tick­et availability.

Please note: Only Guide Dogs and Trained Assis­tance Dogs are allowed on site.

Some sheep can har­bour organ­isms which could affect a preg­nan­cy and there­fore we strong­ly rec­om­mend against vis­it­ing if you are pregnant.


How does the fam­i­ly (up to 6) tick­et work?

The idea of this tick­et is to allow a fam­i­ly or group to enter with just one tick­et. All mem­bers of the par­ty must be in the same car to use this ticket.

The tick­et can cov­er the max­i­mum num­ber of peo­ple legal­ly allowed to trav­el in that car.

Can I buy a tick­et on the gate?


You must pre-pur­chase tick­ets before enter­ing the site.

Can I trans­fer to a dif­fer­ent date after book­ing my tickets?

You can if there is still space avail­able on your new dates, but there is a small fee incurred. The fee varies based on your tick­et purchases. 

We can only accept trans­fer requests up to the Thurs­day before each event.

Can I get a refund if I can’t attend?

We will accept refund requests up to the Thurs­day before each event. This will allow us to release your tick­ets for resale, but there is a small fee incurred. Requests for refunds must be made through Eventbrite.

Why are preg­nant peo­ple not able to visit?

Some sheep can har­bour organ­isms which could affect a preg­nan­cy and there­fore we strong­ly rec­om­mend against vis­it­ing if you’re pregnant.

Can I bring my dog?

Due to it being a work­ing farm, we don’t allow dogs on site apart from Guide Dogs or trained Assis­tance Dogs. They must wear the cor­rect cloth­ing’ at all times dur­ing their visit.

Is park­ing easy?

You will be direct­ed to a park­ing area by event staff. This may be in a field.

We have a des­ig­nat­ed area for dis­abled park­ing. Please bring your blue badge with you, and dis­play at all times whilst on site.

Will there be food avail­able to purchase?

Yes, there will be food out­lets to pur­chase a range of hot and cold food, and drinks from. There will also be space avail­able for you to use as a pic­nic area if you bring your own food.

Not all of the ven­dors will be able to accept card pay­ments, so please make sure to bring some cash with you as well.

How many lambs are you expecting?

We have around 700 sheep and are expect­ing around 1300 lambs. We also have anoth­er 200 sheep who have had their lambs already, so already we have 300 lambs this year.

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